State Overreach in Healthcare

Dr. Elizabeth Evans of UK Medical Freedom Alliance speaking on protection of our children.

Children vaccination programme

WHILE reports of the very serious dangers of the Covid injections are now starting to appear on (some) front pages, the health authorities (and those above them) are still pushing these medical interventions. Indeed they are even using children to persuade other children to accept a sustained programme of injections.

Meanwhile, and at the other end of the age spectrum, our speaker for the meeting has recently written also of a heart-breaking case whereby an elderly and vulnerable lady was "violated by a vaccinator in her own home".

In terms of the concern we have for all of our children and the elderly, and for those parents and others who care for them, you are encouraged (if you are able) to be aware of the pressures being applied by government and medical agencies. In the vidoe below Dr. Liz is concentrating on the child vaccine programme, but also speaking on a wider level on the medical ethics.


The Editor, 11/06/2024

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Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Survival Kit > State Overreach in Healthcare