The Rapture Question -  Geoff Barnard

The first in a series of different speakers giving varying views on end-time events.

PREAMBLE: A believer's view on the timing and nature of the rapture of the saints at the commencement of the millennial reign of Christ shapes the individual's view of what to expect as we approach the return of Christ. See here for two of the most prevalent positions. This matter has been the subject of a recent 'Platypus Challenge'.
Whatever one's view this should never be an issue for breaking fellowship.

In a recent survey on the subject, 50% of the responses stated a desire for teaching on the subject.
Accordingly, this the first in a series of mature Christian believers offering their understandings. New recordings will be posted as these become available.


Post-tribulation Rapture

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Geoff BarnardGEOFF Barnard is a retired senior research scientist in the department of veterinary medicine. He now lives in Israel and in this video he is giving an illustrated presentation to an online audience under the title 'Resurrection and Rapture'.

Geoff has a variety of online teachings including a series on the Millennium. Other recordings can be found by entering his name in the YouTube search box.
Note: Inserting comments on this presentation in the Response facility below is restricted to logged-on members of the ChristiansTogether website.

Geoff Barnard, 29/06/2024

Victoria Beckett 11/07/2024 22:10
We were truly blessed by listening to your teachings on Daniel and the 5 part Millennium, and
you being able to articulate it simply and clearly from Gods word, it was wonderful, and so grateful to God that you shared it with us, our God has a great future for us, and this is our blessed hope. Thank you once again. Victoria ????
Judy Harley 28/07/2024 20:08
Hi Geoff, just finished listening to the 5 part series on the Millennium- so blessed to have been able to see this subject explained so clearly. I am very excited about it too, I received Isaiah 58:12 many years ago and it has remained a mystery to me up until now. Will carry on listening to your other teachings.
Many thanks and God Bless

NOTICE: - The 'Response' facility on most articles is restricted to CT site members. Site members should login here. Comments/questions from non-site members should be sent to the Editor by e-mail.

Christians Together in the Highlands and Islands > Survival Kit > The Rapture Question No.1